Our amazing God is not only the Creator of all things, but He also cares about His creation, right down to the tiniest detail. And the Bible tells us that people are the most significant part of that creation. God created you and knows every detail about you—right down to the design of your fingerprints and the number of hairs on your head. God cares about everything that happens to you. Magnified!™ VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
Psalm 34:3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together.
VBS Party Sunday, June 29th 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Classes are available for children 3 years old to 5th grade and adults.
Classes for babies through 2 years old are only for VBS adult volunteers.
Online registration closes on Sunday, July 6th.
VBS Family Celebration Sunday, July 13th 10:30 am. The children will sing their VBS songs from the week. We will then eat lunch provided by New Zion in the gym.
We are excited to begin a New Zion Youth VBS for 2025 for those who have completed the 6th grade up through 12th grade.
Any youth who have completed grades 7th – 12th can sign up as a volunteer, but must attend an in person volunteer training or meet with Bro. Matt. If an adult volunteer has a child that completed the 6th grade, the 6th grader can volunteer with their parent.
In person registration will be available each day during VBS.
If your child attended VBS 2024, there is no need to re-register, unless you need to update any personal information. Your child will be automatically re-enrolled and moved up one age/grade level.